Learn How to Create a Custom Blogger Template
In this article I share my own blogger template which currently using in this blog. I used HTML5, CSS and Blogger tags for build blog design and its fully customize, you can modify various elements of the template, such as colors, fonts, layout, and background. Additionally, you can add widgets, gadgets, and HTML code to further personalize your blog. It includes various components, such as header, footer, sidebar, post area, and navigation menus. It defines the placement of these components, as well as the styling, colors, fonts, and other visual elements used throughout the blog.You can get the complete code from Github
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html>
3 <html>
4 <head>
5 <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no'/>
6 <meta content='follow, index' name='robots'/>
7 <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
8 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
9 <meta name='title' expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle'/>
10 <b:else/>
11 <meta name='title' expr:content='data:blog.pageName'/>
12 </b:if>
13 <meta name='description' expr:content='data:view.description.escaped'/>
14 <meta property='og:type' content='website'/>
15 <meta property='og:site_name' expr:content='data:blog.title'/>
16 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
17 <meta property='og:title' expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle'/>
18 <b:else/>
19 <meta property='og:title' expr:content='data:blog.pageName'/>
20 </b:if>
21 <meta property='og:description' expr:content='data:view.description.escaped'/>
22 <meta property='og:url' expr:content='data:blog.url'/>
23 <!-- Add you favicon image -->
24 <link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/png' href=''/>
25 <!-- Use this if statement to avoid google ads or google analytics count, in case you test this template in your own blogger login session -->
26 <!-- Replace this below '"Algoberry"' because in my blog i set title as Algoberry -->
27 <b:if cond='data:blog.title == "Algoberry"'>
29 </b:if>
30 <!-- Apply you favourite fonts here and also please apply same in below body css -->
31 <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Open+Sans:wght@400;800' rel='stylesheet'/>
32 <b:skin><![CDATA
34 /* General */
35 body {
36 margin:0px;
37 padding:0px;
38 display:flex;
39 flex-direction:column;
40 font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif;
41 font-size:15px;
42 font-weight:400;
43 line-height:1.5;
44 color:#181823;
45 /*overflow-wrap:break-word;*/
46 text-align:left;
47 /*text-align:justify;*/
48 /*text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;*/
49 }
51 h1, h2, h4, #blog-pager {
52 margin:0px;
53 padding:0px;
54 line-height:1.4;
55 }
57 h1, h2 {
58 font-size:30px;
59 }
61 h4 {
62 }
64 .avatar-image-container {
65 border-radius:50%;
66 }
68 .img700 {
69 width:100%;
70 padding:0px;
71 margin-top:10px;
72 margin-bottom:10px;
73 }
75 /* Ahref */
76 a {
77 text-decoration:none;
78 color:inherit;
79 }
81 .lin {
82 color:#00BFFF;
83 }
85 .hil {
86 color: #000;
87 background-color: #E4DCCF;
88 padding: 5px;
89 font-size: 15px;
90 }
92 /* Layout */
93 nav, main, footer {
94 width:1024px;
95 margin-left:auto;
96 margin-right:auto;
97 }
99 header {
100 width:100%;
101 border-bottom:1px solid #cdcdcd;
102 margin-bottom:20px;
103 }
105 inputtype=text {
106 margin:10px 0px;
107 padding:10px 12px;
108 width:100%;
109 display:inline-block;
110 border:1px solid #ccc;
111 border-radius:6px;
112 box-sizing:border-box;
113 }
115 nav {
116 display:flex;
117 flex-direction:row;
118 margin-top:5px;
119 margin-bottom:5px;
120 }
122 #leftnav {
123 order:0;
124 flex:0 auto;
125 margin-top:auto;
126 margin-bottom:auto;
127 text-align:left;
128 }
130 #leftnav a {
131 margin:auto;
132 }
134 #middlenav {
135 order:1;
136 flex:2 auto;
137 margin-top:auto;
138 margin-bottom:auto;
139 text-align:center;
140 margin-left:10px;
141 margin-right:10px;
142 }
144 #rightnav {
145 order:2;
146 flex:1 auto;
147 margin-top:auto;
148 margin-bottom:auto;
149 text-align:right;
150 }
152 main {
153 display:flex;
154 gap:24px;
155 flex-direction:row;
156 min-height:100vh;
157 }
159 section {
160 width:700px;
161 }
163 aside {
164 width:300px;
165 }
167 footer {
168 border-top:1px solid #cdcdcd;
169 margin-top:20px;
170 padding-top:10px;
171 padding-bottom:10px;
172 }
174 /* Social Media Share */
175 .social-icon-share {
176 position:fixed;
177 top:50%;
178 -webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);
179 -ms-transform:translateY(-50%);
180 transform:translateY(-50%);
181 }
183 .social-icon-share a {
184 display:block;
185 text-align:center;
186 padding:14px;
187 transition:all 0.3s ease;
188 color:white;
189 }
191 .social-icon-share a:hover {
192 background-color:#000000;
193 }
195 .svg-share {
196 width:30px;
197 height:30px;
198 }
200 .svg-share path {
201 fill:#FFFFFF;
202 }
204 .svg-mo-share {
205 width:30px;
206 height:30px;
207 padding:5px;
208 }
210 .svg-mo-share path {
211 fill:#FFFFFF;
212 }
214 .svg-follow {
215 width:35px;
216 height:35px;
217 }
219 .svg-follow path {
220 fill:inherit;
221 }
223 .facebook {
224 background:#3B5998;
225 }
227 .twitter {
228 background:#55ACEE;
229 }
231 .tumblr {
232 background:#314358;
233 }
235 /* Section */
236 article {
237 margin-bottom:30px;
238 }
240 .contentdiv, footer {
241 font-size:17px;
242 }
244 time {
245 font-size:14px;
246 color:#9e9d89;
247 }
249 .commentdiv {
250 border-top:1px dashed #cdcdcd;
251 margin-top:10px;
252 padding-top:10px;
253 }
255 /* Comment */
256 .comments .comments-content .comment-header, .comments .comments-content .comment-content {
257 margin:0px;
258 }
260 .comments .comments-content .comment:first-child {
261 padding-top:0px;
262 }
264 .comments .comments-content .user, .comments .continue a {
265 font-size:14px !important;
266 font-weight:bolder;
267 }
269 .comment-block {
270 padding:10px;
271 /*background-color:#DBDFEA;*/
272 background-color:#F1F6F9;
273 }
275 .comment-actions a {
276 font-size:14px;
277 font-weight:bolder;
278 }
280 .datetime a {
281 font-size:13px;
282 }
284 #blog-pager {
285 font-size:25px;
286 font-weight:bold;
287 }
289 #blog-pager a {
290 color:#00BFFF;
291 }
293 /* Aside */
294 .box {
295 margin-bottom:10px;
296 }
298 .label {
299 color:#14171a;
300 background-color:#e1e8ed;
301 text-align:center;
302 cursor:pointer;
303 border-radius:3px;
304 padding:4px;
305 line-height:2.2;
306 }
308 #PopularPosts1 ul, #PopularPosts1 ul li {
309 margin:0px;
310 padding:0px;
311 list-style:none;
312 }
314 /* Code Highlighter Start */
316 /* Code Div */
317 .codediv {
318 font-size:16px;
319 padding:0px;
320 margin-top:5px;
321 margin-bottom:5px;
322 }
324 /* File Name Color */
325 .fN {
326 color:#21094e;
327 margin-bottom:5px;
328 }
330 /* Code */
331 .code {
332 line-height:normal;
333 padding:15px;
334 overflow:auto;
335 color:#85d9eb;
336 background-color:#191e1e;
337 border-left:5px solid #605a56;
338 }
340 /* Paragraph */
341 pre {
342 margin:0px;
343 padding:0px;
344 }
346 /* Line Number Color */
347 .lI {
348 color:#ffffff;
349 }
351 /* Keyword Color */
352 .kC {
353 color:#56e27a;
354 }
356 /* Single Line & Mulitple Lines Comment Color */
357 .cC {
358 color:#b8b0b0;
359 }
361 /* Single & Double Quotes Color */
362 .qC {
363 color:#d4f088;
364 }
366 /* Parenthesis Color */
367 .pC {
368 color:#ffffff;
369 }
371 /* Inner Parenthesis Color */
372 .iPC {
373 color:#d4f088;
374 }
376 /* Bracket Color */
377 .bC {
378 color:#ffffff;
379 }
381 /* Inner Bracket Color */
382 .iBC {
383 color:#d4f088;
384 }
386 /* Code Highlighter End */
388 /* Mobile */
389 @media (max-width: 810px) {
390 body {
391 padding-left:15px;
392 padding-right:15px;
393 }
395 nav, main, section, aside, footer {
396 width:100%;
397 }
399 nav, main {
400 flex-direction:column;
401 }
403 #leftnav, #rightnav {
404 width:100%;
405 text-align:center;
406 }
408 #leftnav {
409 order:0;
410 }
412 #middlenav {
413 order:2;
414 margin-left:0px;
415 margin-right:0px;
416 }
418 #rightnav {
419 order:1;
420 }
422 aside {
423 margin-top:20px;
424 }
426 #blog-pager {
427 font-size:20px;
428 }
429 }
430 ]></b:skin>
431 </head>
432 <body>
433 <header>
434 <nav>
435 <div id='leftnav'>
436 <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>
437 <!-- Include you logo image here instead of below sample text -->
438 Test Portal
439 </a>
440 </div>
441 <div id='middlenav'>
442 <form expr:action='data:blog.searchUrl' id='uform' target='_top'>
443 <input type='text' id='usearch' placeholder='Search' name='q' expr:value='data:view.isSearch ? data:view.search.query.escaped : ""' autocomplete='off'/>
444 </form>
445 </div>
446 <div id='rightnav'>
447 <!-- Add your social media's follow url below -->
448 <a href = ''><svg class='svg-follow' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 70.7c-102.6 0-185.9 83.2-185.9 185.9 0 82.1 53.3 151.8 127.1 176.4 9.3 1.7 12.3-4 12.3-8.9V389.4c-51.7 11.3-62.5-21.9-62.5-21.9 -8.4-21.5-20.6-27.2-20.6-27.2 -16.9-11.5 1.3-11.3 1.3-11.3 18.7 1.3 28.5 19.2 28.5 19.2 16.6 28.4 43.5 20.2 54.1 15.4 1.7-12 6.5-20.2 11.8-24.9 -41.3-4.7-84.7-20.6-84.7-91.9 0-20.3 7.3-36.9 19.2-49.9 -1.9-4.7-8.3-23.6 1.8-49.2 0 0 15.6-5 51.1 19.1 14.8-4.1 30.7-6.2 46.5-6.3 15.8 0.1 31.7 2.1 46.6 6.3 35.5-24 51.1-19.1 51.1-19.1 10.1 25.6 3.8 44.5 1.8 49.2 11.9 13 19.1 29.6 19.1 49.9 0 71.4-43.5 87.1-84.9 91.7 6.7 5.8 12.8 17.1 12.8 34.4 0 24.9 0 44.9 0 51 0 4.9 3 10.7 12.4 8.9 73.8-24.6 127-94.3 127-176.4C441.9 153.9 358.6 70.7 256 70.7z"/></svg></a>
449 <a href = ''><svg class='svg-follow' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M419.6 168.6c-11.7 5.2-24.2 8.7-37.4 10.2 13.4-8.1 23.8-20.8 28.6-36 -12.6 7.5-26.5 12.9-41.3 15.8 -11.9-12.6-28.8-20.6-47.5-20.6 -42 0-72.9 39.2-63.4 79.9 -54.1-2.7-102.1-28.6-134.2-68 -17 29.2-8.8 67.5 20.1 86.9 -10.7-0.3-20.7-3.3-29.5-8.1 -0.7 30.2 20.9 58.4 52.2 64.6 -9.2 2.5-19.2 3.1-29.4 1.1 8.3 25.9 32.3 44.7 60.8 45.2 -27.4 21.4-61.8 31-96.4 27 28.8 18.5 63 29.2 99.8 29.2 120.8 0 189.1-102.1 185-193.6C399.9 193.1 410.9 181.7 419.6 168.6z"/></svg></a>
450 <a href = ''><svg class='svg-follow' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M211.9 197.4h-36.7v59.9h36.7V433.1h70.5V256.5h49.2l5.2-59.1h-54.4c0 0 0-22.1 0-33.7 0-13.9 2.8-19.5 16.3-19.5 10.9 0 38.2 0 38.2 0V82.9c0 0-40.2 0-48.8 0 -52.5 0-76.1 23.1-76.1 67.3C211.9 188.8 211.9 197.4 211.9 197.4z"/></svg></a>
451 </div>
452 </nav>
453 </header>
454 <b:if cond= 'data:view.isError'>
455 <b:else/>
456 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>
457 <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == "false"'>
458 <div class='social-icon-share'>
459 <a expr:href='"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=" + data:blog.url + "&text=" + data:blog.pageName' target='_blank' rel='noopener' class='twitter' title='Share to Twitter'><svg class='svg-share' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M419.6 168.6c-11.7 5.2-24.2 8.7-37.4 10.2 13.4-8.1 23.8-20.8 28.6-36 -12.6 7.5-26.5 12.9-41.3 15.8 -11.9-12.6-28.8-20.6-47.5-20.6 -42 0-72.9 39.2-63.4 79.9 -54.1-2.7-102.1-28.6-134.2-68 -17 29.2-8.8 67.5 20.1 86.9 -10.7-0.3-20.7-3.3-29.5-8.1 -0.7 30.2 20.9 58.4 52.2 64.6 -9.2 2.5-19.2 3.1-29.4 1.1 8.3 25.9 32.3 44.7 60.8 45.2 -27.4 21.4-61.8 31-96.4 27 28.8 18.5 63 29.2 99.8 29.2 120.8 0 189.1-102.1 185-193.6C399.9 193.1 410.9 181.7 419.6 168.6z"/></svg></a>
460 <a expr:href='"https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=" + data:blog.url' target='_blank' rel='noopener' class='facebook' title='Share to Facebook'><svg class='svg-share' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M211.9 197.4h-36.7v59.9h36.7V433.1h70.5V256.5h49.2l5.2-59.1h-54.4c0 0 0-22.1 0-33.7 0-13.9 2.8-19.5 16.3-19.5 10.9 0 38.2 0 38.2 0V82.9c0 0-40.2 0-48.8 0 -52.5 0-76.1 23.1-76.1 67.3C211.9 188.8 211.9 197.4 211.9 197.4z"/></svg></a>
461 <a expr:href='"https://www.tumblr.com/share?v=3&u=" + data:blog.url + "&t=" + data:blog.pageName' target='_blank' rel='noopener' class='tumblr' title='Share to Tumblr'><svg class='svg-share' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M210.8 80.3c-2.3 18.3-6.4 33.4-12.4 45.2 -6 11.9-13.9 22-23.9 30.5 -9.9 8.5-21.8 14.9-35.7 19.5v50.6h38.9v124.5c0 16.2 1.7 28.6 5.1 37.1 3.4 8.5 9.5 16.6 18.3 24.2 8.8 7.6 19.4 13.4 31.9 17.5 12.5 4.1 26.8 6.1 43 6.1 14.3 0 27.6-1.4 39.9-4.3 12.3-2.9 26-7.9 41.2-15v-55.9c-17.8 11.7-35.7 17.5-53.7 17.5 -10.1 0-19.1-2.4-27-7.1 -5.9-3.5-10-8.2-12.2-14 -2.2-5.8-3.3-19.1-3.3-39.7v-91.1H345.5v-55.8h-84.4v-90H210.8z"/></svg></a>
462 </div>
463 </b:if>
464 </b:if>
465 </b:if>
466 <main>
467 <section>
468 <b:if cond='data:view.isError'>
469 Oops no result found !
470 <b:else/>
471 <b:section id='content-section'>
472 <b:widget id='Blog1'>
473 <b:includable id='main'>
474 <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
475 <!-- -->
476 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>
477 <script type="application/ld+json">
478 {
479 "@context": "https://schema.org/",
480 "@type": "BlogPosting",
481 "expr:@id": "<data:post.url/>#BlogPosting",
482 "mainEntityOfPage": "<data:post.url/>",
483 "headline": "<data:post.title/>",
484 "name": "<data:post.title/>",
485 "description": "<data:view.description.escaped/>",
486 "datePublished": "<data:post.timestamp/>",
487 "dateModified": "<data:post.lastUpdatedISO8601/>",
488 "author": {
489 "@type": "Person",
490 "name": "<data:post.author/>"
491 },
492 "publisher": {
493 "@type": "Organization",
494 "@id": "<data:blog.homepageUrl/>",
495 "name": "<data:blog.title/>",
496 "logo": {
497 <!-- Fill your website logo here and also update the logo width and height px-->
498 "@type": "ImageObject",
499 "@id": "",
500 "url": "",
501 "width": "",
502 "height": ""
503 }
504 },
505 "image": {
506 <!-- Fill your website image here and also update the logo width and height px-->
507 "@type": "ImageObject",
508 "@id": "",
509 "url": "",
510 "height": "",
511 "width": ""
512 },
513 "url": "<data:post.url/>",
514 "isPartOf": {
515 "@type" : "Blog",
516 "@id": "<data:post.url/>",
517 "name": "<data:post.title/>",
518 "publisher": {
519 "@type": "Organization",
520 "@id": "<data:blog.homepageUrl/>",
521 "name": "<data:blog.title/>"
522 }
523 },
524 "keywords": [
525 "<data:blog.title/>"
526 ]
527 }
528 </script>
529 </b:if>
530 <!-- -->
531 <article>
532 <div class='contentdiv'>
533 <time><data:post.timestamp/></time>
534 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
535 <h2><a expr:href='data:post.url' rel='follow'><data:post.title/></a></h2>
536 <b:else/>
537 <h1><data:post.title/></h1>
538 </b:if>
539 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>
540 <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == "true"'>
541 <div>
542 <a expr:href='"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=" + data:blog.url + "&text=" + data:blog.pageName' target='_blank' rel='noopener' title='Share to Twitter'><svg class='svg-mo-share twitter' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M419.6 168.6c-11.7 5.2-24.2 8.7-37.4 10.2 13.4-8.1 23.8-20.8 28.6-36 -12.6 7.5-26.5 12.9-41.3 15.8 -11.9-12.6-28.8-20.6-47.5-20.6 -42 0-72.9 39.2-63.4 79.9 -54.1-2.7-102.1-28.6-134.2-68 -17 29.2-8.8 67.5 20.1 86.9 -10.7-0.3-20.7-3.3-29.5-8.1 -0.7 30.2 20.9 58.4 52.2 64.6 -9.2 2.5-19.2 3.1-29.4 1.1 8.3 25.9 32.3 44.7 60.8 45.2 -27.4 21.4-61.8 31-96.4 27 28.8 18.5 63 29.2 99.8 29.2 120.8 0 189.1-102.1 185-193.6C399.9 193.1 410.9 181.7 419.6 168.6z"/></svg></a>
543 <a expr:href='"https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=" + data:blog.url' target='_blank' rel='noopener' title='Share to Facebook'><svg class='svg-mo-share facebook' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M211.9 197.4h-36.7v59.9h36.7V433.1h70.5V256.5h49.2l5.2-59.1h-54.4c0 0 0-22.1 0-33.7 0-13.9 2.8-19.5 16.3-19.5 10.9 0 38.2 0 38.2 0V82.9c0 0-40.2 0-48.8 0 -52.5 0-76.1 23.1-76.1 67.3C211.9 188.8 211.9 197.4 211.9 197.4z"/></svg></a>
544 <a expr:href='"https://www.tumblr.com/share?v=3&u=" + data:blog.url + "&t=" + data:blog.pageName' target='_blank' rel='noopener' title='Share to Tumblr'><svg class='svg-mo-share tumblr' viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M210.8 80.3c-2.3 18.3-6.4 33.4-12.4 45.2 -6 11.9-13.9 22-23.9 30.5 -9.9 8.5-21.8 14.9-35.7 19.5v50.6h38.9v124.5c0 16.2 1.7 28.6 5.1 37.1 3.4 8.5 9.5 16.6 18.3 24.2 8.8 7.6 19.4 13.4 31.9 17.5 12.5 4.1 26.8 6.1 43 6.1 14.3 0 27.6-1.4 39.9-4.3 12.3-2.9 26-7.9 41.2-15v-55.9c-17.8 11.7-35.7 17.5-53.7 17.5 -10.1 0-19.1-2.4-27-7.1 -5.9-3.5-10-8.2-12.2-14 -2.2-5.8-3.3-19.1-3.3-39.7v-91.1H345.5v-55.8h-84.4v-90H210.8z"/></svg></a>
545 </div>
546 </b:if>
547 </b:if>
548 <data:post.body/>
549 </div>
550 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>
551 <div class='commentdiv'>
552 <b:include cond='data:blog.pageType in {"static_page","item"}' data='post' name='comment_picker'/>
553 </div>
554 </b:if>
555 </article>
556 </b:loop>
557 <div id='blog-pager'>
558 <b:if cond='data:newerPageUrl'>
559 <span id='blog-pager-newer-link'>
560 <a class='blog-pager-newer-link' expr:href='data:newerPageUrl' rel='follow' title='Newer Post'>Newer Post</a>
561 </span>
562 </b:if>
563 <b:if cond='data:olderPageUrl'>
564 <span id='blog-pager-older-link'>
565 <a class='blog-pager-older-link' expr:href='data:olderPageUrl' rel='follow' title='Older Post'>Older Post</a>
566 </span>
567 </b:if>
568 <a class='home-link' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='follow'>Home</a>
569 </div>
570 </b:includable>
571 </b:widget>
572 </b:section>
573 </b:if>
574 </section>
575 <aside>
576 <div class='box'>
577 <h4>Popular Posts</h4>
578 <b:section id='popularpost-section'>
579 <b:widget id='PopularPosts1'>
580 <b:includable id='main'>
581 <ul>
582 <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
583 <li><a expr:href='data:post.href'><data:post.title/></a></li>
584 </b:loop>
585 </ul>
586 </b:includable>
587 </b:widget>
588 </b:section>
589 </div>
590 <div class='box'>
591 <h4>Topics</h4>
592 <b:section id='label-section'>
593 <b:widget id='Label1'>
594 <b:includable id='main'>
595 <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
596 <a class='label' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>
597 </b:loop>
598 </b:includable>
599 </b:widget>
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